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Property Management & Lettings

John Dennis Letting Agents in Hedon, Hull

Here at John Dennis Letting Agents in Hedon, we have carved our own very special niche in the local lettings and management market. Having discovered to our own cost many years ago that it is better by far to concentrate our rental department activities on handling only good quality homes, we are now noted in the area as the firm to choose for that very reason. Prospective tenants know we will not try to saddle them with low standard houses and flats, and landlords know we tend to attract the better calibre of tenant.

Our comprehensive service for landlord includes regular visits to their property to ensure that tenants are happy and not having any problems, and also to ensure that maintenance issues are attended to while they are minor.

For a full explanation of our service and charges, and perhaps an appraisal of the property, please contact us

Search our database of properties to let in Hedon.

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